Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Right Now

As I'm watching the movie "Marley & Me" the other night with my husband and 2 1/2 year old daughter, I realize that this is a lot like my life. Around the middle of the movie when they have their second baby who's colicky, the mom decides to leave her job to be a stay-at-home mom (I wish we could afford for me to), you and your husband are on different ends of the spectrum on what seems like everything, the dog (or dogs in my case) always seem to bark or pee on the floor at the most inopportune moment (you know - when you're trying to get the baby down for a nap or just finished cleaning up a really messy diaper and had to give the baby a bath due to the really messy diaper), there's never enough money, life is as crazy as it gets (or so it seems at the time), and you wonder when you will ever get your equilibrium back - yeah - that's where I'm at. But then you have those moments when you are rocking the baby to sleep at bedtime and they cuddle into you for warmth, or your toddler hugs you, rubs your cheek and tells you not to be sad when you cry at a movie, or your 2 crazy dogs cuddle up next to you at the end of the night when both kids have gone to sleep or your husband wraps his arms around you from behind and nuzzles you on the neck...and then you know that all is is perfect and you wonder why you ever thought different...yeah...I'm there too.

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